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Hear once. Love forever.

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Welcome to the home of the Songstruck podcast.

Here we celebrate remarkable songs that knock you off your feet the first time you hear them. Get ready to meet your new favorite song.

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Check the latest
Songstuck episode

Each podcast reveals five songs.

Hear the stories behind each one and decide for yourself if you're Songstruck.

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Deep Cuts.
Cult Classics.
Fan Favorites.
Hidden Gems.
Sleeper Hits.


Whatever you call it, we all know the feeling when we hear one.

Songs are friends, and the Songstruck podcast is the place to make some new ones.

If a song rocks your world, tell us, and together we'll share it with the world.

Firefly cyberpunk female rockstar wearing earbuds and sunglasses blown away over dark neon

The latest Songstruck playlist

Each Songstruck podcast episode inducts five new songs to the official Songstruck companion playlist. Consider it the Songstruck Hall of Fame.

Enjoy the featured songs whenever you like, add them to your playlist, and Songstruck your friends.

The Songstruck playlist is exclusively available via Spotify.

Listen here - or click the link to open Spotlify on your device.

Tip: Scroll through the player to view all songs.

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If you prefer, click the link below to open Spotify on your device.
To listen to the music, you must have either a Spotify free or Premium account.

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Songstruck was years in the making and we're excited to share this podcast with the world.


Our goal is to bottle that feeling you get when you hear an incredible song for the first time. We also want to breathe new life into older music and songs that got lost in the shuffle. Great music is great music, and there's a long tail of incredible tracks that deserve more attention.


Whether you're at the grocery store, watching TV, pumping gas or a doing a million other things, when you're Songstruck, you're instantly blown away and you want to know, what song was that, who made it, when did it come out, and how can you listen to it a million more times.


We love music - all kinds of music - and Songstruck is a place to celeberate songs that have that je nais se quois. Oh, and there's no AI here. Every track is curated by human beings.


Songstruck isn't intended to be a one-way conversion. The spirit of the podcast is to start a conversation. Share songs that have left you Songstruck and let's make this a party everyone can enjoy.


Together, let's swap tracks, tell stories, saluate the artists that made meaningful music, and honor remarkable songs that aren't just good, they're magical.




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Firefly medium shot male cyberpunk funky rockstar wearing earbuds and sunglasses dark neon
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  • What is Songstruck?
    Songstruck is the feeling you get when you hear a song for the first time and it blows you away. It's also the name of this podcast series because we want everyone to enjoy the thrill of hearing great music.
  • What type of music do you play?
    Songstruck is not limited to conventional music categories. If a song is great, we'll play it regardless of decade, genre or chart position.
  • Where can I listen to Songstruck?
    The best way to listen is YouTube. Each episode is formatted as a playlist, so you can hear the setup of each song and then hear the music in all its glory. Plus, you can watch the music videos, too - if you like. Songstruck is also available on Spotify; however due to Spotify restrictions, we can play the songs. Instead, listen to the podcast to be introduced to the music, and then check out the official Songstruck playlist which you can play and share.
  • Can I suggest a song to be featured on Songstruck?
    Absolutely! This podcast is intended to be a conversation. Tell us what songs have Songstruck you and it might be featured on an upcoming episode. Click the link below to contact us.
  • How can I contact Songstruck?
    That's easy. Just click the link below. We'd love to hear from you.

Frequently Asked

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Suggest a Song.
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We'd love to hear from you.

Tell us what's on your mind. All feedback is welcome.

Thanks for listening to Songstruck.

Message received!
Thank you for contacting Songstruck.

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